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(Dec. 2023) Just Transition: Reforming Oil Industry Divestment, Decommissioning & Abandonment in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.

(Nov, 2018) Crude Intentions: Exposing the risks of drilling and spilling in the Great Australian Blight.


(July, 2018) Environmental Risks of Condensate Releases - Leviathan Offshore Gas Project, Israel.


(March 2015) "The Arctic's big year - Save it now, or be sorry later." Commentary in


(Sept. 2014) Environmental Risks of Oil Exploration in the Barents Sea.  A discussion of sensitivity and risk to the Barents Sea (Arctic Norway) marine ecosystem.


(Sept. 2013) Review of Environmental Impact Study for Repsol's Proposed 2014 Exploratory Offshore Drilling, Canary Islands, Spain

Expert Report commissioned by Fuerteventura Island Council, Canary Islands, Spain. September 2013.


(June 2013) Citizens' Advisory Councils to enhance civil society oversight of resource industries. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Perspectives Issue No. 10, June, 2013


(Jan. 2012) Ignoring Deepwater: Federal plans are understating the risks of offshore drilling. Not two years after the Deepwater Horizon debacle, the U.S. is proceeding with plans to expand oil drilling instead of pushing alternatives. Commentary in


(Nov. 2011) Citizens Advisory Councils for Mining in the Pacific. Presentation to the Mining in the Pacific Conference held Nov. 21-25, 2011 in Noumea, New Caledonia.

(June 2011) Belize's Oil, Doing it rightReview/critique of proposals to explore for oil in protected areas and offshore in Belize.

(Feb. 2010) El Salvador: Gold, Guns and Choice2010 report on recent violence against anti-mining activists in El Salvador, and mining policy issues in El Salvador.

(Nov. 2010) Double Standard: Shell practices in the Niger Delta compared to international standards for oil pipeline spill prevention. Critique of Shell practices in the Niger Delta.

(Jan. 2009) Nautilus Minerals Solwara 1 Seabed Mining Project, Papua New GuineaCritique of the Nautilus Minerals EIS for the first ever deep sea mining project, proposed for PNG.


(Sept. 2006) Lebanon Oil Spill Rapid Assessment and Response MissionFinal Report of the rapid assessment mission to Lebanon during and after the Israel/Hezbollah war in 2006.

(May 2004) While we're off fighting terror, the planet's crumbling.
Seattle P.I. Sunday feature; discussion of perspective that the global ecological crisis is a more significant risk than terrorism




Full listing of Rick Steiner's Anchorage Daily News Commentaries




Dec. 26, 2017. Trump’s Offshore Oil Rush a Disaster for Oceans and Climate.

October 18, 2017. From Anthropocene to Ecocene by 2050?

March 5, 2017. The Trump Administration Puts Alaska At Risk

October 3, 2016. It's Time For The U.N. To Intervene In Syria

September 15, 2016 Obama's Marine Monuments Are Good, But Ignore Important Coastal Seas

March 10, 2016 - Time to End Blood Oil Disaster in the Niger Delta

October 20, 2015 - Deep Sea Mining a New Ocean Threat

July 13, 2015 - Gulf Spill Settlement Good, But Needs Fine-Tuning.

March 24, 2015 - Last Chance to Save Imperiled Arctic

Jan. 2, 2015 - Obama Should Designate Marine National Monuments in Alaska

Sept. 17, 2014 - Navy war games in Alaska would impact thousands of marine mammals.

July 17, 2014 - New Offshore Oil Plan Could be 'Game Over' for Climate

April 4, 2014 - Will Civilization Collapse, or Evolve?

March 5, 2014 - Exxon Valdez 25th Anniversary: Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost.

January 15, 2014 - The True Cost of Our Oil Addiction.

October 23, 2013 - Wolves should remain on the endangered species list.

August 1, 2013 - Gulf citizens deserve greater role in offshore oil oversight.

July 8, 2013 - The new illiteracy - obfuscation - hinders progress.

May 31, 2013 - Protecting Earth's final frontier - the deep sea

Dec. 12, 2012 - Arctic shipping is a disaster waiting to happen

Nov. 12, 2012 - Climate science in lieu of climate action is unconscionable

Oct. 8, 2012 - On Columbus Day, it's time to rethink our manifest destiny

July 5, 2012 - Threatened Arctic deserves protection

May 21, 2012 - Dear Shell: Please be honest about risks from your Arctic Ocean drilling this summer

April 4, 2012 - At Rio+20 Earth Summit, Governments must "Show us the Money"

March 24, 2012 - Exxon Valdez oil spill a cautionary tale for Arctic Ocean drilling




Oasis Earth
Environmental  Sustainability  Consulting

Rick Steiner

Anchorage Alaska USA 995071



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